
Boosted Sand-Compost Mix


  • $17.98
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This basic blend of living soil is ideal for a variety of landscaping usage:

- Underlayer for sod or seeding. Recommended application rate is 0.5-2 inches depending on the quality of the native soil it is applied on. Aerate the site before or after application if need be. Alternatively, 1-2 inches could be mixed in the top 6-8 inches of soil. Don't hesitate to add additional Nitrogen, for instance with blood meal, feather meal, or alfalfa meal.

- Refreshing or refurbishing an existing lawn, or patching bare spots. Recommended local application rate depends on how healthy the grass is before application. Where it simply needs being refreshed, top dressing with 0.25-0.5 inch should suffice. It is important not to over-apply where healthy grass already exists so as not to choke it; better apply in successive layers spaced out by at least a few weeks if need be. Where completely dead or very thin, up to 2 inches might be necessary, before (re)seeding. Aerate the site before or after application as needed.

- Planting media for trees and shrubs ‒to be mixed in with the native soil at a proportion from 75% to zero outwardly so that the tree or shrub doesn't get root-bound. Size of the hole should be 2-3 times the diameter and 1.5-2 times the depth of the root ball or container. Fruit trees and berry bushes will like a gentle addition of Potassium, for instance with kelp meal or alfalfa meal.

- Flower beds. Required depth depends on what will be grown, and should be at least 6-12 inches. Annuals can often be happy in the lower range, and 12'' is a safer bet for perennials. Flowers will benefit from a gentle addition of Phosphorus, for instance with bone meal or fishbone meal, or mineralized phosphate. Alternatively, YukonGrow's Raised Bed Mix can be used for flower beds; designed for vegetables, the latter has better structure (will compact less) and slightly higher nutrient content, for an outstanding flower bed productivity!

This product is made from a locally-sourced sand-compost mix, boosted with our staple inoculated + charged up biochar mixture. Compost provides a balanced nutrient content and sand mitigates the potential salinity of compost and provides some structure. The added boost provides a low dose of biochar, worm castings and beneficial microorganisms for optimum benefits (e.g. enhanced yield, increased resistance to disease, fungus, and harmful insects). If budget is an issue, the non-boosted version can be an alternative, albeit less productive.

Available in 1 cu yd and 20 L format.

Produced locally in the Yukon.


Composed with

- Sand and Compost Mix

- YukonGrow Boost (inoculated + charged up biochar mixture; contains worm castings)

Certified Organic?No, but all ingredients are either certified or listed as permitted for organic production systems in Canada.
Other Certification?no
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See our Soil Blends page for more info.

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