
Horse Manure (aged, local)

Yukon Local

  • $15.46
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Horse manure is a rich fertilizer that offers exceptional nutrient value, including high levels of nitrogen, as well as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium. Nutrient profile is approximately 0.7-0.3-0.6. Carbon and fibrous organic matter also provide excellent soil structure. 

Work some of this “black gold” into your soil to feed your veggies, leafy greens, trees and shrubs or lawn. The best practice is to apply manure to your soil in the fall to allow plenty of time for organic matter to break down, and for nutrients to become available to plants. Alternatively, spring application can be a good option so long as the composted manure is well mixed with the soil to prevent root burn (exposition to excessive nitrogen in the form of ammonia).

Horse manure can be a great substrate for growing mushrooms.

Our horse manure is locally sourced from horses that are fed on a strict diet of grain, feed and hay that is free of herbicides and any other pesticides, before being naturally aged for at least one year.

Available in 1 cu yd and 20 L format.

Sourced locally in the Yukon.

IngredientsYukon-sourced horse manure. From horses that are fed on a strict diet of grain, feed and hay that is free of herbicides and any other pesticides. Naturally aged for at least one year.
Approx. N-P-K0.7-0.3-0.6

Upcycled local product.

No transport-related GHG debt or carbon cost.

Packaged in a re-used and re-usable bag.

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